Madison Beer visits Good Morning America
Photo by ABC/Paula Lobo

Madison Beer visits Good Morning America to talk about life and her brand-new memoir, entitled, “The Half of It”

Madison Beer is a rising singer-songwriter and social media star from Long Island, New York. Not too long ago, she visited Good Morning America to talk about her new memoir, “The Half of It,” which chronicles the past decade of her life spent in the spotlight—the ups, the downs, and the in-betweens that you won’t see on social media. Madison also opened up about other things in her life like being discovered at age 13 by Justin Bieber and her upcoming second studio album.

Madison Beer visits Good Morning America

“I got signed really-really young. I was only 12 when I started all of this out. So I think growing up in the industry a bit, I was told to kinda always put on a brave face and not let anyone know that things get to you, or that you get tired, or maybe you want a break. And as I’ve gotten slightly older, you know, I just, I don’t know, I want to be transparent with people. That it’s okay to take a break. It’s okay to be overwhelmed. It’s okay to say no and make time for yourself. And I know that might sound silly to some but it’s important and I want people to know that.” – Madison Beer explained

Madison Beer details her difficult experiences including some contemplation of suicide (at least twice) and grappling with self-harm. Beer’s main goal now is to be a positive role model for her younger brother and to make her family proud.

Madison Beer

Madison Beer visits Good Morning America
Photo by ABC/Paula Lobo

“This sort of amazing blessing that I’ve been given, obviously in a sad way. But I’ve been able to connect with people in such a beautiful way. And being able to look at someone and be like, I’m happy you’re here, and they can say the same thing to me. It’s just, I don’t know, it means everything, and I just hope in opening up about all of this I can, maybe, let someone know that it does get better. It always will get better. And uhm, yeah, your dark and hard times are not forever.”

Madison Beer cites music as being the silver lining and one of the main factors that helped her get through her dark times.

Madison Beer visits Good Morning America

Madison Beer visits Good Morning America
Photo by ABC/Paula Lobo

“I think mainly I felt really alone during a lot of these periods, and I just felt like there are so many people that I’ll meet…Uhm, I have an Instagram that’s kinda private that I talk to my core fans on. I’ll meet some of them and they’ll tell me how much things like that, and opening up about things like mental health have helped them. So I figured why not do it on a bigger scale and not just keep it for the small amount of people? So, I don’t know, I just wanted to make someone out there feel less alone in their potential hard times.” – Madison Beer explained

Being a child star has its perks, but it’s not always as good as it seems. On “The Half of It,” Beer pulls back the curtain to show the behind-the-scenes of her journey, from reckoning with mass hate online and the time her private pictures were leaked, to battling suicidal thoughts while making her highly acclaimed debut album, “Life Support,” and her recovery since then.

Madison Beer – “The Half of It” memoir

Madison Beer - “The Half of It” audiobook cover

We recommend listening to Madison Beer’s “The Half of It” audiobook. Also, let us know how you feel in the comment section below. Mel Blanc’s famous catchphrase, That’s All Folks! Thanks for reading another great article on Bong Mines Entertainment – the hot spot for new music and entertainment news. Always remember that (P) Positive, (E) Energy, (A) Always, (C) Creates, (E) Elevation (P.E.A.C.E). Contact us on social media via Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook, and let us know what’s going on. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter, purchase our merchandise, and become a Patron of Bong Mines Entertainment. Disclaimer: This post contains Apple Music affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking a link on this page, we will collect a small share of the sales. That little compensation will be used towards keeping this website up and running.

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