Paris Jones press photo

Paris Jones releases a soulful hip-hop tune, entitled, “For Evergreen,” featuring MOZZ

Paris Jones is a rapper, singer, and producer from Inglewood, California. Not too long ago, they released a soulful hip-hop tune, entitled, “For Evergreen,” featuring MOZZ.

Paris Jones – “For Evergreen” single

“One of the hardest stages to arrive at in the grieving cycle is acceptance. ‘For Evergreen’ is a song about acceptance and moving forward after my tragic loss. Although my son Zephaniah is no longer with me, he is Evergreen and he will never lose his foliage. ‘Me and Sallie got the flyest babies in heaven you will ever see!’” – Paris Jones explained

‘For Evergreen’ contains a relatable narrative, ear-pleasing raps, and soulful melodies that will resonate well with fans of Kanye West, Chance the Rapper, and Lauryn Hill. The likable tune possesses melodic instrumentation flavored with a soulful hip-hop vibration. Furthermore, “For Evergreen” is featured on Paris Jones’s latest eight-track album, entitled, “Zephaniah’s Book of Trees.”

Paris Jones – “Zephaniah’s Book of Trees” album

Paris Jones - “Zephaniah’s Book of Trees” album

“‘Zephaniah’s Book of Trees’ is an album about the different stages of grief. Zephaniah is the name of my son who passed away six years ago from birth complications. Every song on this album is named after a tree and every tree represents a different stage of grief.” – Paris Jones explained

We recommend adding Paris Jones’s “For Evergreen” single to your favorite hip-hop playlist. Also, let us know how you feel in the comment section below. Mel Blanc’s famous catchphrase, “That’s All Folks!” Thanks for reading another great article on Bong Mines Entertainment – the hot spot for new music. Furthermore, always remember that (P) Positive, (E) Energy, (A) Always, (C) Creates, (E) Elevation (P.E.A.C.E).

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