Dutchkid press photo

Dutchkid releases a heartfelt music video for their “Flight” single

Dutchkid is an indie-pop band based in southeast London, England. Not too long ago, they released a heartfelt audiovisual for their “Flight” single.

Dutchkid – “Flight” music video

Dutchkid - Flight (Official Video) [Ultra Music]

The “Flight” video mirrors the band’s story behind the single—one of ignoring our unrealistic fears and taking ‘flight’ into the unknown.

The heartfelt audiovisual follows a young boy on his conquest to kiss the girl of his dreams.

Dutchkid - Flight video still photo of a boy

The video coincides with the news that Dutchkid will be performing at this year’s BBC Music Introducing Live event at Tobacco Docks.

Originally championed by Abbie McCarthy (BBC Introducing Kent) and having performed for ‘The Kent Sessions’—the band has been handpicked to perform at the annual event on November 01, 2019.


Dutchkid press photo

Dutchkid is a band you should remember.

They formed in late 2017 when Jordi van Dyk, Pete Coggan, Chris Smyth, and Jack Kircher began collaborating.

After a fierce competition from 13 different record labels, the collective signed a recording deal in early 2019 with the New York City-based Ultra Music.

Dutchkid – “Flight” single

Dutchkid Flight cover

‘Flight’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and well-tuned melodies. Also, the likable tune possesses lush instrumentation scented with a warm indie-pop aroma.

So far, the song has been added to both ‘Today At Apple’ & ‘Today’s Chill’ playlist on Apple Music.

Also, Apple Music featured Dutchkid as its “New Artist Spotlight of the Month”. Plus, the band received Spotify playlist inclusion (including New Music Friday) and radio play on BBC Introducing.

Buy tickets to see Dutchkid perform via Ticketmaster UK

Dutchkid has announced an EP tour with dates at The Hope & Ruin in Brighton (4th December), The Waiting Room in London (5th December), and Yes in Manchester (6th December).

We recommend adding Dutchkid’s “Flight” single to your personal playlist. Also, let us know how you feel about it in the comment section below.

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