Scott Tyler Schwartz press photo
Photo by Mikayla Ragovin

Scott Tyler Schwartz releases a wonderful solo debut single, entitled, “Guinea Pig”

Scott Tyler Schwartz is the frontman of The Shadowboxers, a harmony-singing trio from Atlanta, Georgia. Not too long ago, he released a wonderful solo debut single, entitled, “Guinea Pig,” written, produced, and recorded by the artist himself.

Scott Tyler Schwartz – “Guinea Pig” single

“So what about your family? Is your mom still in Georgia looking younger, getting older? And what about this guy you’re seeing? Heard he’s a high-powered lawyer. Guess that does it for you. I’m glad you found him but where does that leave me? Alone on the floor thinking through all the times that we never had. Alone on the phone flipping through – too afraid to begin again. Saturday nights don’t feel the same, and maybe I’m the one to blame. ‘Cause I saw the signs and I told a lie when I said it’s fine. But you were my everything and I was just your guinea pig.” – lyrics

‘Guinea Pig’ tells a heartfelt tale about a young guy who recently experience a painful breakup with his significant other. Apparently, his ex has successfully moved on without him and she is currently in a brand new relationship with a high-powered attorney. Deep down, he sincerely feels happy for her, but it saddens him to know that she used him as a guinea pig to get ahead. Always looking on the brighter side, he tells her in a genuine way, “I guess you worked out the kinks on me, and now that it’s over, I can say I’m happy for you.”

‘Guinea Pig’ contains a post-breakup narrative, ear-pleasing soul vocals, and tuneful melodies that will resonate well with fans of  The Shadowboxers, Ezrah, and Ruffin. The heartfelt tune possesses lush instrumentation flavored with indie R&B and retro-soul elements. Furthermore, “Guinea Pig” serves as a tasty appetizer to what listeners can expect to hear from Scott Tyler Schwartz in the near future as he continues to release more music as a solo artist.

“I was your guinea pig, you were my only love. You had to test it out, drive it around. I was your dress rehearsal, you were my final bow. Oh, what a different view to watch from the crowd.”

Scott Tyler Schwartz press photo

The Shadowboxers has recorded and toured with artists ranging from the Indigo Girls to Justin Timberlake. In 2019, they wrote and recorded their first self-produced, full-length album, which they released the following year. It was during this time that Scott Tyler Schwartz felt the need for individual artistic expression, and began the process of defining what that would look like. Then came the pandemic of 2020, and locked down at home with his guitar and a mic, Scott began to write and record himself from his basic home studio. What began as harmless songwriting and simple productions morphed into a soulful singer/songwriter finding his real voice, and learning how to record it.

“I was your guinea pig, you were my trial drug, give me a dose of you to see if I die. Or maybe I’ll make it through till the next time you tried using the love I give, bleeding me dry.”

Scott Tyler Schwartz - “Guinea Pig” song cover art

We recommend adding Scott Tyler Schwartz’s “Guinea Pig” single to your favorite indie-soul playlist. Also, let us know how you feel in the comment section below. Mel Blanc’s famous catchphrase, “That’s All Folks!” Thanks for reading another great article on Bong Mines Entertainment – the hot spot for new music. Furthermore, always remember that (P) Positive, (E) Energy, (A) Always, (C) Creates, (E) Elevation (P.E.A.C.E).

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