Kaelin Kost press photo
Photo by @tamsou

Kaelin Kost releases an appealing music video for her “Miss You” single

Kaelin Kost is an up-and-coming singer-songwriter based in Brooklyn, New York. Not too long ago, she released an appealing music video for her “Miss You” single via 300 Entertainment (Megan Thee Stallion, Young Thug).

Kaelin Kost – “Miss You” music video

“Two years in, you say I’m spread too thin. Well, I know that. Who’s the puppet, who holds the strings? Does it make a difference anyway? Just come back, miss me with that bullsh*t. I’m so fed up, I’m so used to this. I wanted to push past this, wanted to be different, but I’m left behind. And I miss you and the way we used to be. ‘Cause we were together growing separately. And I’m farther from you every single night. So tell me, why?” – lyrics

‘Miss You’ tells a heartfelt tale about a young woman who shares a fading relationship with her significant other. Apparently, she’s fed-up and doesn’t know if the highs of their relationship outweigh the hurt. Dealing with so many different emotions, she apologizes to her significant other, “I didn’t mean to kick you when you were down, I’m sorry.”

‘Miss You’ contains a relationship-based narrative, ear-pleasing vocals, and tuneful melodies. The likable tune possesses vibrant instrumentation flavored with a contemporary pop vibration. Furthermore, “Miss You” is featured on Kaelin Kost’s debut EP, entitled, “Lightning Love.” The five-track project is an enjoyable offering from an artist set for big things in 2022.

Kaelin Kost – “Lightning Love” EP

Kaelin Kost – “Lightning Love” EP cover art

“The ‘Lightning Love’ EP is strung together by an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia and longing. Each song, in a way, deals with themes of love at different stages of a relationship. From ‘Mulholland Drive,’ where you want to spend all your time with this new person, to ‘Lightning Love,’ where the cracks start to form. All the way to ‘Miss You,’ which I describe as a tears-on-the-dancefloor/breakup anthem. It came from a very real and vulnerable place. I mean, it essentially spells out my life over the past few years.

I hope when people listen, they’re brought back to a really specific moment in their lives. Maybe, it’s their college dorm room (Lana Del Rey‘s Video Games still brings me here). Maybe, it’s their teenage bedroom, or the first apartment they shared with a partner. I hope it brings them a moment of sentimentality to reminisce.” – Kaelin Kost explained

‘Lightning Love’ EP arrives after months of self-discovery for Kaelin Kost. Debuting her music against the backdrop of Covid 19, she managed to gain attention from media outlets because of her combination of heart-on-sleeve songwriting and spellbinding vocals.

Kaelin Kost – “Mulholland Drive” music video

The release of ‘Mulholland Drive’ marked the first time Kaelin Kost’s vocals have been paired with her passion for design. The artwork, video, and all aspects of the song was dreamt up, designed, and executed by her.

“Don’t hate me, miss me with that bullsh*t.”

Kaelin Kost grew up in Pittsburgh, where she spent her formative years performing in local bands and honing her creative writing and visual art skills. Until recently, Kaelin had worked professionally as a print designer. Her work has been featured on runways during New York and Australian fashion weeks and worn by celebrities like Hailey Bieber and Victoria Justice.

We recommend adding Kaelin Kost’s “Miss You” single to your favorite contemporary pop playlist. Also, let us know how you feel in the comment section below. Mel Blanc’s famous catchphrase, “That’s All Folks!” Thanks for reading another great article on Bong Mines Entertainment – the hot spot for new music. Furthermore, always remember that (P) Positive, (E) Energy, (A) Always, (C) Creates, (E) Elevation (P.E.A.C.E).

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