Ainjo press photo

Ainjo releases a Lovely Neo-Soul Single, “If Pretty Was A Contest”

Ainjo (@therealainjo) is a singer-songwriter based in Southern California. Not too long ago, he released a lovely neo-soul single, “If Pretty Was A Contest,” which is set against a captivating beat. Ainjo’s powerhouse vocals deliver a message of empowerment and self-acceptance through heartfelt lyrics that candidly address Ainjo’s insecurities that become overwhelming.

Ainjo – “If Pretty Was A Contest” single

“If Pretty Was a Contest” finds Ainjo fearlessly exploring women’s challenges as she navigates the relentless comparison game prevalent in today’s digital age. With raw emotion and unapologetic honesty, she exposed the struggles of measuring up to unrealistic standards of beauty perpetuated by mainstream media.

The song’s narrative revolves around Ainjo’s introspective journey as she grapples with the realization that her worth extends far beyond superficial appearances. She confronts the societal expectation that equates beauty with validation and challenges the notion that makeup and cosmetic enhancements define a woman’s desirability.

“If Pretty Was a Contest” serves as a rallying cry for authenticity and celebrates the beauty found in diversity and individuality. Ainjo’s impassioned vocals coupled with the song’s infectious melody create an anthem for women everywhere to embrace their unique beauty and reject society’s narrow standards.


Ainjo press photo

Ainjo started to generate buzz through her social media pages when she began to upload covers in mid-2017. After much encouragement through her growing platforms, she released her first single “Cash Flaws” in September 2017 and followed her release with several singles, including “George,” “Clarity,” and “Handle It.” Since then, Ainjo has showcased her talents on stages like Vydia’s Official 2019 Stage at SXSW Festival, The Study Hollywood: Unplug’d LA, East Coast: Music Conference/Festival 2018, Vibe Tribe Showcase, and Lady’s First Official 2019 Stage at A3C Festival to name a few.

Ainjo – “If Pretty Was A Contest” single

Ainjo - “If Pretty Was A Contest” cover art

We recommend adding Ainjo’s “If Pretty Was A Contest” single to your favorite neo-soul playlist. Let us know how you feel in the comment section below. Mel Blanc’s famous catchphrase, That’s All Folks! Thanks for reading another great article on Bong Mines Entertainmentthe hot spot for new music and positive entertainment news. Always remember that (P) Positive, (E) Energy, (A) Always, (C) Creates, (E) Elevation (P.E.A.C.E). Contact us on social media via Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook, and let us know what’s going on. Also, don’t forget to support our merchandise and become a Patron of Bong Mines Entertainment. Disclaimer: This post contains Apple Music affiliate links. We may earn an affiliate commission when you buy through links on our site. That little compensation will be used towards keeping this website up and running.

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