SP + 5 Reasons How Music Helps You Study Better

5 wonderful reasons how music can help you study better

There is a common opinion that you need silence to concentrate. We are pretty sure that your professors will say that listening to music while studying is a distractive practice. But is that really so? After digging some materials on the topic, we have found numerous claims that music is actually helpful. It activates both parts of your brain–right and left, which maximizes your productivity and boosts memory.

Studying with songs can help you build stronger memory patterns and improve your mental activity. Numerous articles and case studies show that music reduces stress, improves cognitive abilities, and performance. This medium affects our brain directly and improves its functions. Are you intrigued? Then read on and find out more.

Music decreases the level of anxiety

When you cannot deal with a particular subject or textbook, this might be a psychological block. Your brain memorizes previous frustrating experiences and registers the “irritants” as something negative. How to beat it? Well, let’s imagine that you had a nice sip of hot cocoa with marshmallows and a warm cat on your knees during the classes. We bet that you would visit the lectures more eagerly! While such an idyllic picture seems a bit impossible, it has sense. Supportive and positive emotions shape your experience. What is more, they develop your perception of the subject and influence future interactions with it.

If you experience anxiety and blocks when studying, try listening to uplifting songs like hip-hop and rock. Encouraging rhythms might help you manage the negative feelings and provide extra-support to your brain. 

Listening to music helps you focus more

SP + 5 Reasons How Music Helps You Study Better
Image source: amazonaws.com

Stanford study explains that music encourages your brain to be more attentive. After experimenting, scientists found out that music activates the areas of your brain that are involved in memory processes, predictions, and attention. They studied how brain sorts and processes the events, claiming that classical compositions help us categorize information better. So feel free to listen to Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven as the best examples of focusing on music.

Improves mental functioning

Music improves cognitive performance, which means that it makes your brain work better! As you may know, our cognitive performance is connected to our emotional state. When you are depressed and frustrated, you don’t have the mental energy to deal with complicated intellectual tasks. However, music has a magical power to improve our emotional state, which entails better brain functioning.

What is more, background music trains your brain to focus on two channels of information simultaneously. Exercise your brain by having your favorite playlist in your headphones.

Eases stress

When the semester is moving to the middle, students experience enormous pressure and stress. The deadlines are approaching, exams are fore and aft, and there are thousands of pages you need to read. While the best stress-relief for learners can be found over here, music is another excellent source of mental comfort. Turn a soothing soundtrack on and pay attention to changes you register in your body. You will notice that your heartbeat becomes slower, and the anxiety level decreases.

Also, there are songs you can relate to when you are overwhelmed. Some of them will motivate and inspire you, while others will bring a sense of support and understanding. So enjoy the benefits of music and keep the stress level low.

Music has a positive impact on memory and emotions

Experts say that music, emotions, and memory are linked tightly. Recent studies claim that melodies are triggers that evoke associations and memories. They retrieve episodes and incidents from our past and evoke emotions–positive or not.  

Our memory sticks to things that are easier to process and store. For example, you might have noticed that it is easier to memorize the lyrics of a pop song than a Mendeleev’s table. That’s how it works–your brain understands simple patterns better. When your studying is accompanied by music, these functions spread over the materials you try to memorize.


Does music help you study? Sure thing! The main benefit of music is the power to improve your emotional state. When your mental condition is healthy and positive, your brain functions better. What is more, music influences your memory and activates the parts of your brain responsible for this activity. Complicated materials are grasped and memorized better when you accompany your studying with your favorite songs. Not only they improve your mood, but they also boost your brain functions and make it more productive. Cognitive psychologists and scientists claim that listening to music when you are studying is a really good idea, so pay heed to them and combine the useful with the pleasant.

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