
Zhao releases a delicious electro-dance tune, entitled, “Car”

Zhao is an electronic/alternative artist based in Los Angeles, California. Not too long ago, he released a delicious electro-dance tune, entitled, “Car”.

Zhao – “Car”

“The first idea for this song was written during a quick session with Oli Chang of Animal Feelings while visiting New York. We wrote the song in about 2 hours, and I just loved how conversational it was, and how precise it was emotionally.” – Zhao

A year later, while traveling on a return flight from Thailand, Zhao hit another wave of inspiration.



“I was in Thailand with my family, and on the flight back to LA, I hammered out this rough instrumental into my portable synth’s (OP-1) onboard 4-track. I ended up writing a whole new chord progression/beat to the original vocal idea, and that formed the basis for the song’s second life. Then when I got back, I passed it onto my friend PJ McManus to help with the mixing and finish it off.” – Zhao

‘Car’ contains a relatable storyline, charismatic vocals, and an ear-welcoming instrumentation with a rhythmic groove.


Photo by Jimmy Hang

“There’s a lot of dance tracks that coast along on a few phrases for imagery. But I wanted this to hit on something specific like feeling responsible for the downfall of a relationship. A song where the person actually recognizes they f*cked up and knows the situation is irreparable. There’s no redemption in the end, the only consolation is the memory. We all carry moments like this around with us. Also, music has always been an outlet for me to ruminate and daydream about myself, about things I’ve done, about what could have been.” – Zhao

We recommend adding Zhao’s “Car” single to your personal playlist.   

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