Why Performing Concerts Is the Best Support for Music Education

To everyone outside education, music is all about fun. Listening to our favorite songs and attending concerts – that’s fun! But those who study music tackle its theoretical aspects. They practice daily and aim toward consistent improvement. When they focus on the educational process, it’s easy for them to forget about having fun and lose track of the real goal: performance.

Music has always been meant to get heard. Students don’t need to wait to be heard until they achieve perfection. Concerts and recitals are important aspects of music education. We’ll list the most important reasons why music students should perform as much as possible.

1. Performances Inspire Students to Practice More

When someone is trying hard to get better in vocal or instrumental performance, a future concert gives them a tangible goal to achieve. They have a particular date to prepare for, so they won’t distract themselves with the thought that there’s always time to improve. The deadline will leave them with no space to procrastinate.

Students perceive the concert as a big achievement, and they will set smaller goals for it. This will lead to daily practice, which will help them develop a long-term routine.

2. Concerts Inspire Theoretical Study

Attending concerts is just as important as performing. Students have to study the theory behind composing and performing. In addition, professors require them to write papers. But not everyone knows how to write a concert review paper. That’s why many students will search for a music concert review essay example online. They listened to a recording of a popular performance and failed to form unique impressions. Attending real concerts is a more vivid experience. The students will pay attention to all details of the performance, and they will be able to notice flaws and strengths.

Theoretical study and performance are not separated. They are two aspects of the same studying process, so professors should combine them as much as possible.

3. Live Music Serves as an Inspiration

Live music events are truly inspiring. Students need a driving force for their goals. They all have favorite musicians, whose best albums they keep watching on YouTube.

But a live event has a different energy, which brings people together. Students discuss their impressions after the concert and feel truly inspired to improve their skills. They dream about bringing people together the same way, and they start working towards that goal.

4. Concerts Help Students to Overcome Performance Anxiety

Being a talented musician doesn’t mean that you’re above performance anxiety. Stage fright is common among musicians, especially while they are still studying. Performance anxiety can make them second-guess their choice of studies and careers.

Facing a situation that frightens them is one of the best ways to overcome this type of anxiety. The consistent practice that leads to a concert helps them build self-confidence. During the performance, they can shift their focus from their thoughts and emotions to the audience.

5. Concerts Help Them Visualize the Future

While listening to live performances, students focus on the music. Many fail to perceive the organizational aspects behind the event. When they get to perform themselves, they will handle details like location, rehearsals, tickets, stage decoration, stage etiquette, outfit, invitations, social media promotion, and more.

This experience helps them realize that being a musician is more than having talent and getting better with practice. They have to develop their knowledge and skills in different areas, including marketing, economics, and aesthetics. Live performances inspire students to understand why subjects of general education are important, too. Instead of seeing them as a distraction, they will understand how they are useful for their future careers.

Concerts Are a Part of the Learning Process

Performance skills are not something we are born with. Students learn to develop that behavior. Practice and theory are not the only aspects of the learning process. Concert behavior must also be taught, practiced, and rewarded.

Professors should provide directions and guidance during the preparations. They should help students realize that live performance is a natural part of their career choice. Some of them might see it as a scary challenge at first, but they can get used to it throughout their years at school.

Through theory and practice, students focus on the details. A concert helps them see how everything comes together in the big picture. That alone inspires them to work harder to perfect the details.

Author’s Bio:

Blogging helped Sylvester Greer to combine his two big interests: music and writing. He writes about music, studying, performing, and practicing. His mission is to help students see that writing, theory, and general education subjects are important to their career success.

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