Tessa Kaye - “Sunshine & Rainbows” press photo
Photo by Rachel Green

Tessa Kaye releases a heartfelt pop tune, entitled, “Sunshine & Rainbows”

Tessa Kaye is a Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter from Philadelphia, PA. Not too long ago, she released a heartfelt pop tune, entitled, “Sunshine & Rainbows.”

Tessa Kaye – “Sunshine & Rainbows” single

“Had to put a mask on and find a role to play. Keep acting like I’m happy like everything’s okay. And don’t even bother now asking about my day ’cause I know you’ll get upset if ‘great’ isn’t what I say. It’s okay if I worry, it’s okay if I’m hurting. You’re acting like you’re perfect, but are you even worth it? Don’t tell me not to cry when you don’t even know. Don’t tell me not to cry ’cause you don’t let it show.” – lyrics

‘Sunshine & Rainbows’ tells an intriguing tale about a young woman who experiences frustrations that derives from toxic positivity. Apparently, she’s an imperfectly moody person who acknowledges that her personality normally goes from one extreme to the other because life is not always sunshine and rainbows.

‘Sunshine & Rainbows’ contains a mental-health-based narrative, ear-pleasing vocals, and tuneful melodies. The likable tune possesses vibrant synths and tropical island-inspired instrumentation bursting with indie and contemporary pop elements. Furthermore, “Sunshine & Rainbows” serves as a tasty appetizer to what listeners can expect to hear from Tessa Kaye in the near future as she continues to release new music.

“You just need to know it’s out of your control.”

Tessa Kaye - “Sunshine & Rainbows” press photo
Photo by Rachel Green

“So many times I’ve found myself in situations where I was trying to mask my authenticity to not come off as negative. I’ve swallowed my own hurt in order to keep a happy, positive disposition for others, but that sh*t’s dead now! Life isn’t always sunshine & rainbows, and I’d say that’s kinda the whole point. Balance baby. Contrast. Bad times just make the good ones feel that much better.” – Tessa Kaye explained

Tessa Kaye grew up in Utah with her adoptive family. She struggled with the difficulties that being a Black girl in a mostly White community faced. Raised in the Mormon church, Tessa made the decision to leave once she reached early adulthood, moving to the West Coast to pursue her passion. Now, with a plethora of life experiences under her belt, she is ready to tell her story. To date, Tessa has accumulated nearly 200,000 streams via Spotify.

“Sunshine & Rainbows” single

Tessa Kaye - “Sunshine & Rainbows” song cover art
Photo by Rachel Green

We recommend adding Tessa Kaye’s “Sunshine & Rainbows” single to your favorite contemporary pop playlist. Also, let us know how you feel about it in the comment section below. Mel Blanc’s famous catchphrase, “That’s All Folks!” Thanks for reading another great article on Bong Mines Entertainment – the hot spot for new music. Always remember that (P) Positive, (E) Energy, (A) Always, (C) Creates, (E) Elevation (P.E.A.C.E). Contact us on social media via Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook, and let us know what’s going on. “Disclaimer: This post contains Apple TV and Apple Music affiliate links. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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