Stacy Gabel is a singer-songwriter based in Eastern Pennsylvania. Not too long ago, she released a music video for her “Straight to Voicemail” single.
Stacy Gabel – “Straight to Voicemail” music video

“You’re going straight to voicemail, where I sent those other boys. You’re going straight to voicemail. I ain’t got time for this white noise. You’re going straight to voicemail. I hope you learn your lesson, boy, for it’s straight to voicemail. Don’t text, don’t write, don’t message me, I’m avoiding you, oh can’t you see.” – lyrics
‘Straight to Voicemail’ tells a playful tale of a woman who demands respect from a guy who she is dating or recently met.
Apparently, she wants him to address her by her real name and doesn’t want him to call her pet names such as honey, sweetie, boo, angel, sugar lips, or baby doll.
Later, she gives him a stern warning not to call her princess unless he’s a prince. But her new beau doesn’t pay heed. Therefore, his phone calls are directed straight to her voicemail.
Stacy Gabel – “Straight to Voicemail” single
“This song is an empowering catchy pop song about disruptive phone calls and guys who insist on using pet names. This is a happy feel-good song with a fun upbeat rhythm.” – Stacy Gabel
Stacy Gabel was “Most Likely to Become Famous” in High School and “Homecoming Queen” in college. Since then, she has sung in radio/TV jingles plus voiceovers including Nickelodeon & Nick at Nite.
Her music delivers a strong message or positive perspective which serves as a reminder to enjoy life’s moments and not take yourself too seriously.
When not in the studio recording, she’s performing at local festivals, local wineries, resorts, and theatres.
Stacy Gabel – “Straight to Voicemail” single
‘Straight to Voicemail’ contains a relatable storyline and pleasing vocal. Also, the song possesses guitar-driven instrumentation flavored with a feel-good vibration.
We recommend adding Stacy Gabel’s “Straight to Voicemail” single to your personal playlist. Also, let us know how you feel about it in the comment section below.
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