Jerrica Alyssa press photo

Jerrica Alyssa releases her debut single, entitled, “Those Cherry Lips”

Jerrica Alyssa is a Nashville-based Canadian Pop/R&B singer. Not too long ago, she released her debut single, entitled, “Those Cherry Lips”.

Jerrica Alyssa – “Those Cherry Lips”

Those Cherry Lips- Jerrica Alyssa (Lyric Video)

“Baby, don’t be shy, I know this is a little wild. A time like this don’t come round all the time. I can see the wonder when I look in your eyes. You feel the heat between those thighs. I wanna feel what’s on your mind.” – lyrics

‘Those Cherry Lips’ tells the tale of a woman who is head-over-heels in love with a man she’s in a romantic relationship with. She loves everything about him including the way he twists his hair, how he speaks, and licks his cherry lips.

‘Those Cherry Lips’ contains a romantic storyline, soul vocals, and a low-tempo instrumentation embedded with an ‘80s-inspirational vibe.

Jerrica Alyssa 

Jerrica Alyssa playing the piano

Jerrica Alyssa is more than just a charismatic performer. She spent her college years studying Genetics at the University of British Columbia while enhancing her musical abilities at ARCT, Royal Conservatory of Music. After relocating to Nashville to chase her dreams, she started doing voiceover work for TV and film. She has toured the world sharing her talents in places like China, Japan, UK, and Polynesia to name a few. Also, her voice has inspired the masses with appearances on Canadian Idol and Variety’s Got Talent.

We recommend adding Jerrica Alyssa’s “Those Cherry Lips” single to your personal playlist.

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