Jayne Doe - “Welcome to Hollywood” young picture

Jayne Doe releases a lovely debut single, entitled, “Welcome to Hollywood”

Jayne Doe (Sydney Agudong) is a 21-year-old singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist (piano, guitar, ukulele) from Hawai’i. Not too long ago, she released a lovely debut single, entitled, “Welcome to Hollywood.”

Jayne Doe – “Welcome to Hollywood” single

“This song is a hoorah to people who have chased dreams, any dream, big or small. Everybody has them. They are a beautiful and scary thing and the relationship to them can be so complicated.” — Jayne Doe explained

‘Welcome to Hollywood’ is a metaphor for what it means to live in the glamorous city of stars and angels, the process of rejections, and the mental strength and sacrifice it takes to make a dream come true.

‘Welcome to Hollywood’ contains a relatable narrative, ear-pleasing vocals, and tuneful melodies. The likable tune possesses guitar-laden instrumentation flavored with a warm indie-pop vibration. Furthermore, “Welcome to Hollywood” serves as a tasty appetizer to what listeners can expect to hear from Jayne Doe in the near future as she continues to release new music.

“Welcome to Hollywood” single

Jayne Doe - “Welcome to Hollywood” song cover art

“My goal as an artist is way bigger than just me. I am here to relate, experience, and grow as the imperfect humans we are – together. The world and people are so beautiful because of their flaws, and in today’s world, it is so hard to remember that sometimes on your own. A big fear of mine is ending up alone – not physically, but emotionally, mentally. And the thing is, I’m not. No one is. We all have someone who is there to hold a hand. We don’t always know who that is but, they are there and that’s what I want my music and artist to represent. Your safe place. Your bedroom walls. Someone who just gets it. Someone you can go through life with and figure the sh*t shows out together.” — Jayne Doe explained

Jayne Doe’s name is a twist on the known phrase, Jane Doe, which she reinvented as a girl shamelessly trying to find out who she is and where she belongs in an effort to normalize the fear we all have of the unknown. When she’s not in the studio or performing, Jayne is developing her on-screen credits in TV and film. Not too long ago, she shot a lead role in her first feature film, entitled, “West Michigan,” and booked a recurring guest star role on Netflix’s “On My Block.”

We recommend adding Jayne Doe’s “Welcome to Hollywood” single to your favorite indie-pop playlist. Also, let us know how you feel about it in the comment section below. Mel Blanc’s famous catchphrase, “That’s All Folks!” Thanks for reading another great article on Bong Mines Entertainment – the hot spot for new music. Furthermore, always remember that (P) Positive, (E) Energy, (A) Always, (C) Creates, (E) Elevation (P.E.A.C.E).

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