BATHSHEBA press photo

BATHSHEBA releases an appealing music video for her “Hit ‘N’ Run” single

BATHSHEBA is a singer and songwriter based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Not too long ago, she released an appealing music video for her “Hit ‘N’ Run” single.

BATHSHEBA – “Hit ‘N’ Run” music video


“‘Hit ‘N’ Run’ is about not feeling good enough. It is about giving oneself to a person, knowing that the person is not really interested in you. When you have someone in your life who says all the right things at 5 in the morning, but as soon as it is morning and the realities hit the person, they pull ashore and you sit back and feel very stupid and naive.” – BATHSHEBA

The Mathias Bertelsen-directed audiovisual finds BATHSHEBA (and her squad of female dancers) in a junkyard. Later, we see them performing choreographed dance moves on the top of damaged vehicles.  

‘Hit ‘N’ Run’ contains a relatable narrative, ear-welcoming vocals, and tuneful melodies. Also, the likable tune possesses vibrant instrumentation scented with an electro-pop aroma. Furthermore, “Hit ‘N’ Run” serves as a fantastic presentation to what listeners can expect to hear from BATHSHEBA in the near future.


BATHSHEBA press photo

“Writing songs has always been therapeutic for me. I wrote my first songs when I was 11-years-old. At that time, I needed an outlet for the issues I had at home, but honestly, things haven’t changed much. I still write songs as a way to get stuff off my chest. Hopefully, my songs will make people feel less alone with their feelings. That’s my goal.” – BATHSHEBA

BATHSHEBA is an intriguing combination of attitude and vulnerability. Her soft and present voice puts honest words to catchy pop melodies. Although her lyrical universe can be dark, her energy is bright, and she doesn’t stray away from a strong pop anthem.

“Hit ‘N’ Run” single

BATHSHEBA - “Hit ‘N’ Run” cover

We recommend adding BATHSHEBA’s “Hit ‘N’ Run” single to your personal playlist. Also, let us know how you feel about it in the comment section below.

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