Band Of Pockets press photo

Band Of Pockets releases a funky neo-soul tune, entitled, “Wish You Could Be Someone Else”

Band Of Pockets was founded in 2020 by Swedish guitarist/composer, J.O. Nilsson, in collaboration with Yona Marie, a singer/composer from Washington D.C. Not too long ago, they released a funky neo-soul tune, entitled, “Wish You Could Be Someone Else.”

Band Of Pockets – “Wish You Could Be Someone Else”

“Wish you could be someone else. Once upon a time, I was deep in love. Had my whole heart, it was more than enough. Took me ‘round the world, he was changing my life. Spoiled me, never had to ask him twice. We were holding strong through the good and the rough. Then suddenly, I found him packing his stuff. Don’t know what was real, don’t know what was a lie. But no one could compare – no matter what they try.” – lyrics

‘Wish You Could Be Someone Else’ tells an intriguing tale about an independent young woman who wishes her significant other was someone else. The likable tune contains a relatable narrative and ear-pleasing vocals that will resonate well with fans of Erykah Badu, Lizzo, and Jill Scott. Furthermore, “Wish You Could Be Someone Else” possesses groovy bass-laden instrumentation flavored with contemporary R&B, hip-hop, funk, and neo-soul elements. Also, the song serves as a tasty appetizer to what listeners can expect to hear from Band Of Pockets in the near future.

“He’s giving me his all, but I’m giving him less. Feeling kinda bad ‘cause I’m making him stress.”

Band Of Pockets - “Wish You Could Be Someone Else” song cover

“The song is about wishing the person you are with could be someone else. I mean, sometimes that happens. You have a loving memory of someone else, and you long for that person rather than the one you’re with. Not very kind, I know, but what the heck.” – Band Of Pockets explained

Band Of Pockets was founded in 2020. The collective blend with guests and musicians from all over the world depending on the song, the arrangement, and the feel. We recommend adding their “Wish You Could Be Someone Else” single to your favorite neo-soul playlist. Also, let us know how you feel in the comment section below. Mel Blanc’s famous catchphrase, “That’s All Folks!” Thanks for reading another great article on Bong Mines Entertainment – the hot spot for new music and song reviews. Furthermore, always remember that (P) Positive, (E) Energy, (A) Always, (C) Creates, (E) Elevation (P.E.A.C.E).

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