We conducted a wonderful interview not too long ago with Amelie Anstett, a multi-talented actress, dancer, and social media sensation. During our spectacular conversation, she talked about life, her greatest accomplishment, the highlight of her career, and the best advice she has ever gotten.
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Amelie Anstett: Hey, there. My name is Amelie Anstett. I am a 17-year-old teenage girl striving to make my dreams a reality. Also, I am a professional dancer and actor, and just someone who is super passionate about what I do and about making everyone around me happy. I hope to bring out positivity in everyone, use my platform to benefit others, and find new ways to connect.
Where are you from and what is life like there?
AA: I was born in Winter Park, Florida, in 2004, where my mother, who is originally from Buenos Aires, mostly grew up in the area. A couple of years after I was born, my father decided it would be best to move back to his hometown. So we did, and it has been amazing. I live on a 9-acre farm, and we own a beautiful plant nursery. I have the best little brother, five dogs, and a pet pig named Pickles that lives in the barn, not inside the house. Ha-ha!
I feel very fortunate to have my family and spent a lot of quality time with my father in my younger years. Before having my little brother, my mom was the head of marketing for a large company and had long hours and a lot of events. My dad would pick me up from daycare, and we would hang outdoors and do a lot of fun things. That helped to shape me a lot. He has a huge appreciation for nature, and he made sure we also grew up with an appreciation for nature and all the beauty it has to offer.
How did you get into dancing?
AA: I began to dance at the age of seven when there were no gymnastics/acrobatic studios in my town. However, there was a dance studio. So I started to take dance classes. At first, it was just one or two classes. But soon, teachers were calling my mom and inviting me to participate in their other classes. Sometimes, things work in funny ways.
Who inspires you?
AA: My mom, Reese Witherspoon, Justin Bieber, my fans, and life, in general, inspires me. And one of my biggest role models is definitely Justin, for the fact that he introduced me to this industry.
Amelie Anstett

What’s the best advice anyone has ever given you?
AA: When Justin and I talked backstage, he told me: “Remember who you are and how you started. And always stick to your roots and grow through that.” Which was really, really cool. And his advice has always stuck with me. Also, I feel so lucky to get to work with so many amazing individuals. Another piece of advice that has always stuck with me is: “Don’t be another little fish in the big pond. Find a way to stand out, and be and show who you really are.”
Tell us about your latest project?
AA: I actually have a lot of upcoming projects that are in the works, and have been in the works. But with COVID and everything, it has been so weird.
My goal with social media is to be able to keep spreading that message to be able to connect with people. And as years keep going on, I hope to have a lot going on with acting and dancing, which will be really, really cool. The future just takes us on a path, and we’ll see where it goes.
What would you say is your greatest accomplishment?
AA: Landing Sadie on Chicken Girls was a huge highlight of my career. I had been watching Chicken Girls since it started, and becoming a part of the Brat Chicken Girls family has been a very special experience. Also, the memories and friendships that have flourished from it are timeless.
What’s your motto or life advice that you live by?
AA: I have so many quotes and mottos that I live by. But the biggest ones that I live by would be: “Everything happens for a reason” and “Be original.” I’ve always tried to practice originality and uniqueness because, as an artist, it is important to find the particular unique trait that makes you stand out. Everyone has something unique and wonderful about them; they just need to find it.
What are some of your most memorable creative moments?
AA: Dancing with Justin Bieber on his Purpose World Tour was one of the best moments in my career. It helped launch me into the business. Justin is such a special soul and person and gives such great advice and guidance. A huge humbling inspiration.
What advice would you give to an aspiring artist in your field?
AA: Ooo, I love this question. With social media, we can’t help but compare ourselves to others. And I think the biggest piece of advice I would give, even though it sounds cliché, is that you truly are amazing as yourself.
We live in these shells and there’s nothing we can really do but accept them. It’s about what’s on the inside—what you can bring into the world and share with others. Work for what you want and do it for you. Go make your mark!
Years from now, when people mention your name—what will they say?
AA: I hope that my name can be associated with positivity to the world over the years.
What’s your favorite movie?
AA: I love “Forest Gump” because I believe the message it provides you with is so powerful and inspiring.
Tell us something about you that no one knows.
AA: Most people don’t know that I am half Latin and my father is actually from Hawaii. I absolutely love the originality of my name and love that it goes with my motto of being original.
Thanks for a great interview! Where can we follow you?
AA: You can follow me online on almost all social media platforms. I love social media because it is such an amazing way to connect with others, and share your passion and thoughts with the world!!
Instagram: @Amelie.anstett
TikTok: Amelie.Anstett
YouTube: Amelie Anstett
Snapchat: Amelie.Anstettt
Twitter: Anstettamelie
Facebook: Amelieanstettofficial
Website: Ameoriginal.com
We recommend following Amelie Anstett on all social platforms. Also, let us know how you feel in the comment section below. Mel Blanc’s famous catchphrase, “That’s All Folks!” Thanks for reading another great article on Bong Mines Entertainment. And always remember that (P) Positive, (E) Energy, (A) Always, (C) Creates, (E) Elevation (P.E.A.C.E).
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