Alora Farenweh releases a dreamy indie-folk tune, entitled, “Riding a Tiger”

Alora Farenweh is an up-and-coming singer-songwriter from Montreal, Canada. Not too long ago, she released a dreamy indie-folk tune, entitled, “Riding a Tiger,” written by Katelyn Anne Stegner and produced by Joey Langlois.

Alora Farenweh – “Riding a Tiger” single

“I woke up to the sound of trumpets and I don’t like it very much, goodbye. I explored your mind palace. It was very dark for a palace, but I don’t mind. I’m riding a tiger in your mind. I don’t care where it goes, I’ll stay behind. And if you follow the tracks, you might just find a tiger at your back. Don’t try to catch the crystal in the sky, I found it. You should be scared of the things I found here.” – lyrics

‘Riding a Tiger tells a charming tale about a young woman who explores an elaborate palace located inside someone’s mind. The creative tune contains a fantasy narrative, ear-pleasing vocals, and soothing melodies. Also, the song possesses lavish instrumentation flavored with contemporary and indie-folk elements. Furthermore, “Riding a Tiger” serves as an appetizing taste of what’s to come from a budding young artist with an imaginatively promising future.

Alora Farenweh

Alora Farenweh press photo
Jess Bernier Photography

“Step inside my mind for this story to come to life. Imagine that you are riding a fierce tiger through a pink monochrome jungle. Fluffy clouds hang above as you follow the tracks to explore a dark palace. My hope is that my debut single enables you to feel bubbly, excited, and inspired. Step inside my mind for this story to come to life. It sounds unusual, the thought of wandering through someone else’s mind, yet the overall feeling of the song is happy. My dad has always encouraged me in bouts of boredom to build my ‘mind palace’ – to grow the imagination.” – Alora Farenweh explained

Alora Farenweh aims to transport listeners into an imaginative dreamy world filled with colors, glowing crystals, and friendly animals. The artist-to-watch struggles with depersonalization disorder and derealization disorder. Oftentimes, she feels she is outside of herself, and that the world around her isn’t real. This felt-experience carries over into her music. Usually appearing in a whimsical white paper crown, Alora weaves layers of spiritual significance into her work.

“Riding a Tiger” single

Alora Farenweh - “Riding a Tiger” cover art

We recommend adding Alora Farenweh’s “Riding a Tiger” single to your favorite playlist.  Also, let us know how you feel in the comment section below. Mel Blanc’s famous catchphrase, “That’s All Folks!” Thanks for reading another great article on Bong Mines Entertainment, and always remember that (P) Positive, (E) Energy, (A) Always, (C) Creates, (E) Elevation (P.E.A.C.E).

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