Music is a truly marvelous invention of human civilization. The richness of its forms, the emotional power it brings, and, of course, the intellectual contribution it brings to our life, all of that is immeasurable. Seriously, if you ever thought of taking an active part in music, but never did, there’s no reason why you can’t start right now. The benefits of playing (and learning to play) a musical instrument are almost infinite, while the whole venture will be easier than you might think.
Working for a Worthy Reward
By learning and playing an instrument, you get the following and much more.
- You stimulate your brain. As it was set, you almost literally lit up your head as you play an instrument. With the double stimulation that comes from learning and playing, you’ll seriously empower your brain to work faster and much more efficiently whenever you need.
- You learn to read and write much faster. Learning to play a musical instrument inevitably means learning to read music. And in most cases, that would be standard notation. It might be challenging at first, but when you get a hold of it, you’ll learn to read it on sight from a long distance. The main thing here is that standard notation enables you to read patterns like nothing else. This means your reading and writing of other familiar text boosts greatly.
Learning how to play an instrument
Many students, although having years of experience in the matter, struggle with writing. In order to write well, one needs to have an extensive vocabulary, have creativity, and great observation skills. Those students who lack in this regard often hire professionals from TopWritersReview to get their essays written. This allows them to study the work of experts and learn from it. If you want to perfect your writing in the long run, picking up an instrument would be a great addition to your routine.
- You improve your communication skills. As you stimulate your brain a lot, you get faster at understanding how people talk. Even if you’re a solo player, you can still improve your communication and interpersonal skill quite a lot within a very short timeframe. And the ability to easily read patterns is, of course, not the last thing to contribute to that, too.
- You become more patient. Learning to play an instrument inevitably teaches you a great lesson of patience and the cost of one’s efforts. It’s no secret that playing music is not a thing to master within a day. And it’s no rocket science either, so you’ll manage to balance anyway. In the end, however, you’ll see that if you give yourself some time, you can accomplish much more than you think.
- You train your memory. Another thing that always comes with playing an instrument is memory. And it’s not just about memorizing the notes or how to read sheet music. It’s about sonic memory, remembering sounds, lyrics, melodies, and harmonies. And, as you might guess, your memory grows overall as well.
- You relieve stress. Unless you’re aiming to get great results fast (which is almost impossible), you’ll get your dose of meditation. Just keep reminding yourself that you don’t really need to get a bachelor’s degree in music to be really good and you’ll be fine. The rest will come on its own.
- You protect yourself from lots of illnesses and disorders. Largely due to great brain stimulation, your mind becomes more flexible and, thus, much more challenging to become lost. And if that’s not a real argument for you, just check out the research that confirms the positive influence of music for patients with dementia and Alzheimer’s.
- You get yourself some recognition and a thing to be proud of. The final takeaway is, of course, increased self-esteem for a newly mastered skill that can bring you lots of benefits. The bottom line is, you can always entertain your friends whenever you have an instrument around.
The Ultimate Takeaway
If you manage to gather your courage, patience, and ability to wait until you can harvest results, you’ll get solid pleasure from learning to play a musical instrument as well as lots of benefits. Music is a wonder of wonders and one of the most phenomenal things ever created by human beings. Missing out on learning its secrets is like missing out on an opportunity of a lifetime. If you ever thought of playing an instrument in your life, just go ahead and do it. If not, there’s a great bunch of reasons to consider just that.
About the Author
Melony Hart delivers lots of useful information to students and young people through her diverse articles. Melony believes that anything can be discussed endlessly, for there’s much to learn about this world for us yet. Her passions are reading, writing, and playing the piano.
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