Hailing from the vibrant streets of New York, Muo Duo is a fresh brother-sister musical duo, comprised of the Miles and Winter Donnelly. This dynamic sibling pair has recently released their electrifying single, “Arachnophobia,” under their own label, Muo Duo Records.
Muo Duo – “Arachnophobia” Single
“Arachnophobia” dives into the tumultuous waters of a toxic relationship. The track is built on a solid foundation of trumpet hits, bumping bass lines, and a vibey beat that draws listeners’ attention. The vocal lines add a lovely charm, making “Arachnophobia” a song that you can dance to during this Halloween season.
The lyrics are both catchy and reflective, with lines like, “I want you loving me, you gave me arachnophobia. I want you loving me even if you’re evil to me,” perfectly encapsulating that complex, sometimes morbid attraction we all know too well. Listeners can’t help but feel the exhilarating pull of “Arachnophobia” while captured in the zombie zone, feeling so alone yet haunted by the desire to dance with the devil.
Muo Duo combines humor, wit, and relatability in their lyrics, making “Arachnophobia” a vivid journey through the struggles of love and longing. If you’ve ever found yourself in a situation where love feels entangled in a web of confusion, this track is for you. Tune in, and let Muo Duo guide you through your own arachnophobia!
Muo Duo
Miles Donnelly started studying composition at Juilliard in high school, where he learned all the rules to know the perfect way to break them. Singer, producer, songwriter, trumpeter, and award-winning film score composer, Miles takes inspiration from The Beatles, Tyler The Creator, and Freddie Hubbard to make Muo Duo’s signature indie pop meets hip-hop sound. In college at The University of Chicago, Miles studied biology and astrophysics while playing music in various indie bands.
Miles’ younger sister, Winter, at 14, found herself playing the role of young Elsa in Disney’s production of Frozen on Broadway. She has also successfully pursued professional acting and has appeared in Sesame Street and Manifest, a series on Netflix. Currently singing in the children’s chorus at the MET Opera, she continues to follow her passions and brings serious vocal talent to the group.
Muo Duo’s separate careers came together during the pandemic when their family was forced to hunker down for most of 2020 in a rural area of Vermont. Living life as mountain hermits, they found making music to be a great escape and a way to connect with people being physically and emotionally isolated. They recorded their first songs in a make-shift sound booth in their bedroom, created by leaning two mattresses against each other. Over the two years that they have been working as Muo Duo, they developed a unique, genre-bending style that knows no bounds combined with innovative videos and electrifying multi-media live concert performances in NYC.
Muo Duo – “Arachnophobia” Single
We recommend adding Muo Duo’s “Arachnophobia” single to your favorite alternative dance-pop playlist. We would love to hear your thoughts! Please comment below and let us know how this song makes you feel. Remember, your feedback helps us bring you more of the music you love. As always, thanks for reading another great article on Bong Mines Entertainment. We’re your go-to source for new music and positive entertainment news. Remember, (P)ositive (E)nergy (A)lways (C)reates (E)levation—P.E.A.C.E.
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